


I’m a qualified nail technician from Bridgwater in Somerset, I’ve been doing nails for 9 years and had a very established business but this has been taken away from me due to the pandemic. I have been unable to work due to the nature of my business and also got excluded from any government financial help due to the 50/50 rule, this led me to having to think ‘outside the box’ ...


I love art, would often use nail art within my trade.. I decided to try and find something that would help bring in an income to help soften the blow from the exclusion.


My first project with resin was memorials using ashes, a first curl... or sentimental flowers, this was a, extremely sensitive decision that I knew would give many people the closeness to their loved ones they are missing. I get a great sense of pride knowing I can help someone in this way.


My love of the sea has come from having a holiday home in Devon, I just love the sound and smell of the sea, during lockdown I have been unable to visit due to travel so decided to make a piece of art that reminds me of my happy place.. and there it was, a beautiful piece of art that I feel very proud of, I was told to enter it into the weekly competition on craft resin and didn’t think for one minute I had a chance of winning as there was so many beautiful pieces of art from very experienced resin artist, I had so much positive comments and likes to my Facebook page


Winning has not only helped me boost my confidence in my work, it will help my business grow.. I have had zero income from the government and nail business for a year now so was finding it hard to afford the resin to create my work.. so winning to me is so amazing.. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I thank everyone who has supported me and to everyone who has believed my work was worthy of winning and each and every one of you that voted for me...


I may add that using such a beautiful resin is definitely what made my work turn out as beautiful as it did.. I researched the product first before my first purchase and haven’t used anything since... Craft Resin really is an awesome resin!

Sharon Legg


When I first started using Craft Resin I found the learn section on their website really helpful for information on how to use the products. If you're new to resin art and using Craft Resin please check it out:

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