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Polishing Techniques for Epoxy Resin: How to Achieve the Perfect Shine
Achieving flawless, glossy finish requires proper polishing techniques. In this article, we'll dive into the technical aspects of polishing epoxy resin surfaces and provide specific recommendations...

Craft Resin Ambassador - Ryan Halligan
Today, we wanna jazz up our talk about epoxy resin and all the cool stuff you can do with it. Introducing our Rising Star and Craft Resin ambassador, Ryan Halligan! Mr. @phat.slabs This guy's a cr...

The Trend of Epoxy Resin Cutting Boards
Epoxy resin cutting boards have become a popular trend in recent years, and for good reason. These boards are not only beautiful and unique, but they are also highly functional and durable? However...

Easter Anew: Celebrating Spring’s Renewal
Imagine the magic of Easter, when everything feels fresh and alive, like the world is waking up from a long sleep. That's the joy of spring! And at Craft Resin, we're all about celebrating that joy...

Crafting Beyond Conventions: Natural Materials Meet Resin Magic
As we reflect on the journey of resin artistry, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the union of natural materials and resin isn't just a trend—it's a testament to the enduring power of creativity ...

Can I Use Craft Resin With My Children?
This is a subject that many of you may be interested in as we are nearing the school summer holidays here in the UK. Many of you might already work with epoxy resin, and your children might already...